Gravity Spells -  D&D 5e Spells inspired by Elden Ring

Gravity Spells - D&D 5e Spells inspired by Elden Ring

HomeStarscourge Radahn is super cool in Elden Ring, and I loved how they made gravity spells look. I haven't had the chance to play with them too much, but they certainly felt like they would be fun in D&D.

I created a compendium of gravity magic a while ago, and this has given me the perfect spark of inspiration (and excuse) to revisit it and expand it. Funny enough the gravity knight subclass that I made would actually fit fairly well for Radahn himself, especially the last ability.

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Gravity Spells

This is a conversion to 5e of the gravity spells present in Elden Ring.

Gravity Well

1st-level evocation (Artificer, Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet

Components: V, S

Duration: Instantaneous

You fire a projectile of condensed gravitational force towards a creature you can see within range. Make a ranged spell attack, on a hit the target takes 2d8 force damage and is pulled 20 feet in a straight line towards you.

Rock Sling

2nd level evocation (Artificer, Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 90 feet

Components: V, S

Duration: Instantaneous

You pull 3 clumps of rocks from the earth and send them flying towards a single creature you can see within range. Make a ranged spell attack for each clump. On a hit it, the target takes 1d10 bludgeoning damage.


3rd-level conjuration (Artificer, Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet

Components: V, S

Duration: Concentration, up to 3 rounds

You summon a void above your head that emits a rain of small meteorites. Select a creature that you can see within range, it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 6d6 bludgeoning damage. You can use an action on subsequent turn to keep the meteorite shower going, selecting a new target within range to target with the spell. The spell ends if you use your action to do anything else. While casting this spell your movement speed becomes 0.

Collapsing Star

4th-level evocation ((Artificer, Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 90 feet (30-foot cone)

Components: V

Duration: Instantaneous

You fire numerous gravitational projectiles towards a point that you can see within range. Each creature in a 30-foot cone originating from that point must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 4d8 force damage and be pulled 30 feet in a straight line towards you.

Meteorite of Astel

7th-level conjuration (Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet

Components: V, S

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute.

You summon multiple voids above your head that emit a hail of meteorites. Select 3 creatures that you can see within range, they must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 6d6 bludgeoning damage. You can target a single creature multiple times, forcing it to repeat the Dexterity saving throw each time. You can use an action on subsequent turn to keep the meteorite shower going, selecting new targets within range to target with the spell. The spell ends if you use your action to do anything else. While casting this spell your movement speed becomes 0.


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