Day of the Skittering - A Free Plagued level 8 One-Shot Adventure for D&D 5e
You Are the Last Hope for a Plagued City and its Denizens
Want a break from your main campaign? Day of the Skittering is a Free, level 8 One-Shot for 4–6 players taking place in a plagued city full of rotten monsters.
Hello everyone,
Did you like the movie Army of the Dead? Me neither. It was fun at parts, but the story felt very convoluted and somewhat forced. In any case, the idea of a quarantined city filled with zombies sounded really fun. I think it fits really well with the idea of a rescue mission! So, because of that, I’ve created Day of the Skittering. Now, why did I choose to go for rat- zombies instead of normal zombies? Because rats feel much creepier. And here, at MonkeyDM, creepy is a quality. You can easily swap the rats out for whatever other type of zombies or undead pest you might want. This adventure is for level 8 adventurers ideally, and can be used perfectly to take a break from your main campaign, or as a side quest to an existing world, or to run if you abducted an NPC and don't know what to do with them!
Get the free pdf by scrolling below!
You can grab the adventure ready to play for FoundryVTT or Roll20
- You can grab the FoundryVTT Version on Patreon
- Or on Roll20 here!
Take care !
[Click on the arrow on the top right to download the pdf (you may have to move the pdf a bit), maps are under the PDF]